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Welcome to SafetySkills.ie

Safety Skills Training Solutions is a  subsidiary company of North West Fire Safety, our parent company which was  formed in 2014 and has rapidly established itself at the very forefront of fire safety.

The  company provides a range of services which include Consultancy, Training and equipment, and therefore equipped to provide a nationwide service.

Our expansion has lead us to deliver accredited E-learning and in house training courses at our new training facility.

Our bespoke online training across a range of areas, Health & safety, First aid, Early Years Sector, Health & Social care,

We provide courses for the Construction industry, Health & Social, Care homes, Retail,  and hospitality industries among others.


Safety Courses

Bring your staff to us for one-on-one or group tuition, with a range of courses taught in a classroom environment


Online Training

Click here for a full range of the courses we offer online. Easy to understand, from the comfort of your own home, with a verified certificate issued upon completion



Find out what we can do for your business to ensure compliance with current and updated health & safety legislation to keep your staff and customers safe

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